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Breton Rogue by Bethesda as Edward Ashcroft |
ST 13 [30]; DX 15 [100]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 13 [30].Secondary Characteristics
Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 34 lbs.; HP 13 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 16 [15]; FP 13 [0]; Energy Reserve (Magicka) 10 [0]. Basic Speed 7.25 [5]; Basic Move 7 [0].Dodge: 11/10+2 Parry (Broadsword) 13+2 Block 11+2
Accessory (Map) [1]Absolute Direction [5]
Ally (50%; Constantly; Summonable, +100%) [16]
Ambidexterity [5]
Catfall [10]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Danger Sense [15]
Fit [5]
Flexibility [5]
Heroic Archer [20]
High Manual Dexterity 1 [5]
Luck [15]
Perfect Balance [15]
Shtick (Absolute Direction and your senses updates the Map automatically) [1]
Shtick (Absolute Direction shows the direction to all locations on the map) [1]
Wealth (Comfortable) [10]
Weapon Master (Bow) [20]
Code of Honor (Pirate’s) [-5]Compulsive Thrill-Seeking (9) [-15]
Overconfidence (12) [-5]
Sense of Duty (Companions) [-5]
Trickster (12) [-15]
Vow (Never Sleep Indoors) [-10]
Vow (Own no more than what can be carried) [-10]
Ranger! DX+4 [72]-19Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [1]-14§ Boating (Unpowered) (A) DX-1 [1]-14
Brawling (E) DX [1]-15
Carousing (E) HT [1]-13
Cloak (A) DX-1 [1]-14
Connoisseur (Art) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Connoisseur (Luxuries) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Escape (H) DX+1 [1]-16‡
Fast-Talk (A) IQ+1 [4]-14
Filch (A) DX-1 [1]-14
First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2]-14
Forced Entry (E) DX [1]-15
Gambling (A) IQ+1 [4]-14
Gesture (E) IQ+1 [2]-14
Holdout (A) IQ [2]-13
Knot-Tying (E) DX [1]-15
Lip Reading (A) Per-1 [1]-15
Lockpicking (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Merchant (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Pickpocket (H) DX-1 [1]-14
Riding (Horse) (A) DX-1 [1]-14
Running (A) HT-1 [1]-12
Scrounging (E) Per [1]-16
Search (A) Per [2]-16
Shortsword (A) DX-1 [1]-14
Sleight of Hand (H) DX-1 [1]-14@
Smuggling (A) IQ [2]-13
Streetwise (A) IQ [2]-13
Swimming (E) HT [1]-13
Throwing (A) DX-1 [1]-14
Thrown Weapon (Knife) (E) DX+2 [4]-17
Traps (A) IQ+1 [4]-14
Urban Survival (A) Per [2]-16
Veterinary (H) IQ+1 [8]-14
Weather Sense (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Wrestling (A) DX-1 [1]-14
‡ Includes +3 for Flexibility
§ Includes +1 for Perfect Balance
@ Includes +1 for High Manual Dexterity
I’m only listing combat gear.Light Encumbrance (40.7 lbs).
Clothes $0 2 lbs.
Thrusting Broadsword-19 2d cut/1d+2 imp (reach 1) $600 3 lbs
4x Small Knife-19 2d-4 cut/1d-1 imp (reach C-1/C) Parry -1 $30 0.5 lbs. Thrown-15 1d-1 imp Range x0.5/x1 RoF 1 Shots T(1) Bulk -1
Composite Bow-19 1d+3 imp Acc 3 Range x20/x25 Wt 4/0.1 lbs RoF 1 Shots 1(2) $900 Bulk -7
Shoulder Quiver $10 0.5 lbs. Holds 12 arrows
Heavy Cloak-14 DB 2 $50 5 lbs. Damage spec. Acc 1 Range 2 RoF 1 Shots T(1) Bulk -6
Light Scale Armor DR 3 $150 15 lbs. torso
Cloth Sleeves DR 1* $20 2 lbs. arms.
Leather Pants DR 1* $40 3 lbs. legs, groin
Leather Gloves DR 2* $30 neg. hands.
Boots DR 2* $80 3 lbs. feet. $66
202 points
Attributes: ST: 10 [0]; DX: 13 [60]; IQ: 10 [0]; HT: 10 [0]Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Energy Reserve (Magicka) 10 [0].
Basic Speed: 5.75 [0] Basic Move: 5 [0]; SM -4.
Advantages/Perks: Affliction 4 (Extended Duration, 30x, +60%; Magical, -10%; Temporary Disadvantage, Sessile, -50%) [25.6]; Burning Attack 3d (Lightning; Damage Modifiers, Surge, +20%; Magical, -10%) [16.2/4]; Create Visible Light 1 (Accessibility, Limited to lighting a 10-yard radius for one minute, -40%; Emanation, -20%; Magical, -10%; Reduced Fatigue Cost 2, +40%) [4.2]; Faerie (native) [6]; Flight (Winged, -25%) [30]; Honest Face [1]; Luck [15]; Rogue Talent 4 [20].
Disadvantages: Charitable (12) [-15]; Curious (12) [-5]; Impulsiveness (12) [-10]; Kleptomania (12) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Nature) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Edward) [-2]; Selfless (12) [-5].
Skills: Aerobatics (H) DX+2 [12]-15; Area Knowledge (The Faerie Realm) (E) IQ [1]-10; Connoisseur (Art) (A) IQ [2]-10; Connoisseur (Luxuries) (A) IQ [2]-10; Filch (A) DX+5 [4]-18*; Forced Entry (E) DX+6 [4]-19*; Lockpicking (A) IQ+9 [20]-19*; Pickpocket (H) DX+6 [12]-19*; Research (A) IQ [2]-10; Stealth (A) DX+6 [8]-19*; Traps (A) IQ+9 [20]-19*.
* Includes +4 from Rogue Talent to Filch, Forced Entry, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Stealth, Traps.
Fae are a kind of faerie with butterfly wings. This Fae is 12.2” tall and weigh less than 1 lb. He likes shiny things and picks them up, even if they technically are not his.
Magicka, Absolute Direction, Accessory, and both Shticks are added outside the budget as they are setting switches. So there are no changes there.In general, Edward is better than he used to be, in particular at anything folded into the Ranger Wildcard! skill and social interaction. But the bow especially. On the other hand, his thieving side has been toned down to give him a sidekick. A Chewbacca to his Han Solo. The new Edward has also been trained in dealing with animals.
We have also added Compulsive Thrill-Seeking as his motivational disadvantage to be an adventurer. And we leave him with 36 unspent points.
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