Iteration One, we took the first quick steps with some basic volumes of GURPS and some basic tenants of The Elder Scrolls to create the cinematic fantasy setting of The Dragon Tablets. And according to the playtest, it works! We can use what we have, but it is a broad strokes setting that still needs many of the fine details filled out before it becomes a masterpiece.
The heroes felt capable enough in the playtest, even though there are small details and large systems that should change for that TES feel. As well as molding the templates into what we need them to be.
Some GURPS works have added worked examples or variant rules on old subjects or created new subjects altogether. As The Dragon Tablets won’t confine itself to the Basic Set, we saw some of that in Iteration One, this is a good time to start listing those changes. Some of these does not take their inspiration from TES, but as I mentioned in the very beginning of Iteration One, adding other sources of inspiration is one of the advantages of creation over conversion.
In Iteration Two, we cover what I’ve already included,
GURPS Powers, the worked examples,
GURPS Action 1: Heroes,
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventurers,
GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions, and the volumes that add the most systematic changes,
GURPS Powers: Divine Favors and
GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery.
Traits from some of the above works will be given a specific cost as those works are looked at. These costs only relate to the trait as it is presented in the work in question. And doesn't mean that that is the only version of that trait available. Nor does it mean that these are the only traits available in the various powers listed.
Optional Rule: Alternative Abilities uses the rules from Chapter One. If you want to use more than one ability of the set at the same time, you pay for that many abilities at full cost and the rest at 1/5 cost.
Optional Rules for Affliction uses the rules from Chapter Two.
Awe uses the rules from Chapter Two.
Optional Rule: Multiplicative Modifiers uses the rules from Chapter Two.
Energy Reserves uses the rules from Chapter Two, except Magicka is the only one that exists and is used with every power source. And as listed in Iteration One, everyone has ER (Magicka) 10 for free and this cannot be sold away to get extra points.
Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventurers
Chi Mastery uses the rules from Chapter Four.
Druidic Arts uses the rules from Chapter Five, except Allies can be of a lower point total.
Holy Might uses the rules from Chapter Five, except Allies can be of a lower point total; and the Mysticism abilities from Monster Hunters Chapter Two also fall under Holy Might.
Extra Money uses the rules from Chapter Five.
Wealth in Play uses the rules from Chapter Five on selling things, but not its assumption on society.
Druidic Arts
Allies cost 18 or 27 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Holy Might
The Holy Power Modifier may be more limiting than -10% for those that have a stricter relationship with their source. Ask your GM about how to calculate the value of the new power modifier and the new cost of abilities.
Allies cost 18 or 27 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Patron cost 35 and 68 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
True Faith cost 23 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Monster Hunters 1: Champions
Luck or Skill uses the rules from Chapter One.
Destiny uses the rules from Chapter Two.
Higher Purpose uses the rules from Chapter Two as well as from Action Chapter Two.
Hyper-Competency uses the rules from Chapter Two.
Other Uses for Points uses the rules from Chapter Two, but with Holy Might instead of Mysticism.
Bioenhancement uses the rules from Chapter Two, as modified for fantasy technology.
Mysticism is replaced by Holy Might
Magic vs. Powers uses the rules from Chapter Two.
Psionics uses the rules from Chapter Two, as modified for fantasy technology, except there is no Teleportation and the three remaining powers are folded into a single power with a 10 point/level Psionic Talent.
Anti-Psi uses the rules from Chapter Two.
Cerebral-Motor Multitasking cost 27 or 54 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Neural Computational Matrix cost is 7 or 14 points as there are no computers.
These abilities are counted as if they were part of Holy Might. And all rules affecting Holy Might affects these abilities.
Eyes of the Dead cost 15 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Lay on Hands cost 33 or 46 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Prayer cost 23 or 45 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Smite cost 11, 16, or 21 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Spirit Communication cost 14 or 23 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Turn Evil cost 23 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Psi Sense cost 13 or 22 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Remote Senses cost 35 or 46 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Seekersense cost 19 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Spirit Communication see Mysticism.
Cryokinesis cost 19 points/level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Psychic Healing cost 27, 38, or 53 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Pyrokinesis cost 12 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Mental Blow cost 30 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Mindwipe cost 29 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Telecontrol cost 30 points for one race and 45 points for two instead of what is listed, and only one cost is listed for both levels as both levels have the same cost because of multiplicative modifiers.
Telescan cost 22 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Powers: Divine Favors
All rules are used as listed. Including the listed cost of Divine Favor, even though it under the hood should have another cost because of multiplicative modifiers. The Holy power modifier is used instead of Divine and counts as a part of Holy Might.
The listed costs for the learned prayers use the assumption that Holy is a -10% modifier.
Feed the Masses costs 14 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Fireproof costs 15 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Divine Guidance costs 15 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Spirit Weapon costs 19 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Traveler’s Blessing costs 21 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Walk on Water costs 27 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Sense True Evil costs 28 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Lay on Hands costs 14 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Fireproof (Enhanced) costs 38 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Holy Glory costs 41 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Smite costs 11 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Consecrate Ground costs 18 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Feed the Masses (Enhanced) costs 42 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
See Evil costs 42 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Walk on Water (Enhanced) costs 60 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Rainmaker costs 40 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Golem costs 72 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Smite (Enhanced) costs 19 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Consecrate Ground (Enhanced) costs 30 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Holy Glory (Enhanced) costs 95 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Lay on Hands (Enhanced) costs 66 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Eclipse costs 101 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Plague of Insects costs 120 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Part the Sea costs 180 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Resurrection costs 59 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Thaumatology: Sorcery
Use all rules as listed, except Imbuments, Gate Spells, and spells related to technology that doesn’t exist.
The listed cost per level may be rounded, so calculate the total cost from the book if you pick up such an ability.
Air Jet costs 4 points/level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
No-Smell costs 51 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Repel Animals costs 31 points and additional levels of Area Effect cost 3 points per level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Haircut costs 3 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Tanglefoot costs 8 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Gift of Tongues costs 26 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Sense Life costs 26 or 51 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Flesh to Stone costs 53 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Walk Through Earth costs 49 or 61 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Enchant costs 9 instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Penetrating Weapon costs 31, 42, 52, 63, 73, or 83 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Ignite Fire costs 1 or 2 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Shape Fire 16 points/level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Minor Healing 18 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Complex Illusion costs 39 points and 13 points per level of Area Effect.
Create Object costs 42 or 47 points and 2 points/additional level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Divination costs 18 or 24 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Light costs 8 or 10 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Disintegrate costs 38 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Inspired Creation costs 27 instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Dispel Magic costs 25 points and additional levels of Area Effect costs 7 points per level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Remove Curse costs 21 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Scryguard costs 57 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Lesser Geas costs 48 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Terror costs 43 points and 15 points/additional level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Grease costs 30 points for the first level and 6 points/additional level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Turn Zombie costs 21 for the first level and 3 points/additional level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Blight costs 23 points for the first level and 3 points/additional level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Body of Wood costs 85 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Magelock costs 7 points for the first level and 3 points/additional level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Reverse Missiles costs 52 points for the first level and 47 points/additional level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Delayed Message costs 34 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Thunderclap costs 25 points for the first level and 3 points/additional level instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Icy Weapon costs 12 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Whirlpool costs 3 points/level, minimum 4 levels, instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Cool costs 5 points + 2 points/level, 10 points + 4 points/level, 15 points + 6 points/level, 19 points + 7 points/level, or 24 points + 8 points/level, instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Predict Weather costs 8 or 11 points instead of what is listed, because of multiplicative modifiers.
Action 1: Heroes
Enhanced Dodge (Dive for Cover) uses the rules from Chapter Two.
Higher Purpose see the Monster Hunters listing.
Pulling Rank uses the rules from Chapter Three, as modified for fantasy technology and available organizations.
Cost of Living: The various worked examples deal with cost of living differently, so I decided to throw my hat in the ring and add another way of doing it.
Assume it costs you half the sum listed in the Cost of Living Table for every week you spend in inns and live at your Status level. $300 for Status 0, $600 for Status 1, $1,500 for Status 2 and $6,000 for Status 3. You may live at one level below your Status without meaningful repercussions. If you live in your home, you pay the listed monthly Cost of Living for your home. If you live in the wild, you spend one-tenth of the above sum per week for travel rations. If you have a home, but are living elsewhere, you pay both costs.